
Native Title process begins for new unconventional permit

The company is now required to secure native title agreement within the petroleum application area for shale gas and oil exploration, south and east of Bunbury, WA, after having been selected by the Department of Mines and Petroleum (DMP).

DMP Petroleum Division Executive Director Jeff Haworth said the petroleum exploration title would not be granted until the company successfully negotiates a native title agreement and completes other administrative requirements, which could take from six months to several years.

Once the title has been granted, Unconventional Resources will have the right to apply to undertake exploration activity within the title area.

Mr Haworth added that the company will need to undertake extensive stakeholder consultation early in the planning phase before seeking approvals for on-ground activities.

Mines and Petroleum Minister Bill Marmion said he understood Unconventional Resources is a Chinese-owned company.

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